Sunday 22 July 2012

My "Flash" New Site!

Hi there, I thought it was about time I showed you what has been keeping me away from my little blog.  I've been completing a number of tasks for TAFE and this is a pic of what I've been working on today. 
This is the home page for another website that I am creating using Adobe Flash - which is a fantastic animation and multimedia application.  There will be 4 or 5 pages in total, and they will be animated to swipe off the page when the navigation (signpost) is activated.  My process starts of by creating each page as a separate layer in one Photoshop document. I then export it to Flash and add animation and coding to make it interactive - pretty cool huh?
Home Page
The Home page of my Flash website.
I am constantly amazing myself with all the new skills I am learning at TAFE - but I have to admit that sometimes my head runs out of 'memory space' and I have a bit of trouble locating the files in my head from last semester! I wish I could upgrade my own memory a couple of RAM...:)

I also have another website under construction that will contain heaps of relevant information regarding Online Marketing Tips for businesses. The content of the site will be a combination of information gathered by my TAFE class. 

Well, back to work... I must admit to being very busy, but absolutely loving it!


Punk said...

this is such a nice and useful information for us...i appreciate urs word........Flash Website Design

Staci Burruel said...

The site is looking good! What I like about building a website with Flash is that the site becomes more interactive for the viewer. And a Flash website is supported on almost all browsers today. But, like other powerful tools for web designing, it should not be implemented on all web aspects. You might find your website becoming too slow because of the Flash consuming larger bandwidth.

@Staci Burruel


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